Thursday, September 25, 2008

All Hail The Power of Jesus' Name - Avalon

All hail the power of Jesus' name! Let angels prostrate fall,
Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown him Lord of all.
Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown him Lord of all.

Ye chosen seed of Israel's race, ye ransomed from the fall,
Hail him who saves you by his grace, and crown him Lord of all.
Hail him who saves you by his grace, and crown him Lord of all.

Let every kindred, every tribe on this terrestrial ball,
To him all majesty ascribe, and crown him Lord of all.
To him all majesty ascribe, and crown him Lord of all.

O that with yonder sacred throng we at his feet may fall,
We'll join the everlasting song, and crown him Lord of all.
We'll join the everlasting song, and crown him Lord of all.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sing To Jesus- Fernando Ortega

Come and see, look on this mystery
The Lord of the Universe, nailed to a tree
Christ our God, spilling His Holy blood
Bowing in anguish, His sacred head

Sing to Jesus, Lord of our shame
Lord of our sinful hearts.
He is our great Redeemer.
Sing to Jesus, Honor His name.
Sing of His faithfulness, pouring His life out unto death

Come you weary and He will give you rest
Come you who mourn, lay on His breast
Christ who died, risen in Paradise
Giver of mercy, Giver of Life

Sing to Jesus His is the throne
Now and forever,
He is the King of Heaven.
Sing to Jesus, we are His own.
Now and forever sing for the love our God has shown.

Sing to Jesus, Lord of our shame
Lord of our sinful hearts.
He is our great Redeemer.
Sing to Jesus, Honor His name.

Sing to Jesus His is the throne
Now and forever,
He is the King of Heaven.
Sing to Jesus, we are His own.
Now and forever sing for the love our God has shown.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

我們呼求 We Cry Out - 讚美之泉 Stream of Praise

Images: 2008 Sichuan Earthquake (May 12, 2008)

主我們同心在祢面前 以禱告尋求祢面
我們轉離所有的惡行 定意單單跟隨祢
主我們是屬祢的子民 求賜下父神的心
我們要回轉向祢父神 也要看見復興

我們呼求祢阿爸父 設立祢寶座在這地
祢必睜眼看側耳垂聽 奉主名的呼求
萬民都要來敬拜祢 榮耀高舉祢的聖名
復興這地 全能的君王 我們歡迎祢

主我們同心在祢面前 以禱告尋求祢面
我們轉離所有的惡行 定意單單跟隨祢
主我們國家是屬於祢 求祢來掌管全地
願祢來憐憫醫治這地 榮耀再次降臨

我們呼求祢阿爸父 設立祢寶座在這地
祢必睜眼看側耳垂聽 奉主名的呼求
萬民都要來敬拜祢 榮耀高舉祢的聖名
復興這地 全能的君王 我們歡迎祢

共聚這刻渴望尋見祢 心切切呼求我主
離開一生所有的惡行 一心單單跟我主
願屬祢的子民百姓 也滿有主祢的心
回轉單單歸向主父神 全城來復興

齊心的呼叫阿爸父 在這裡願同遇見主
祢已看見 也定然聽見 祈求父祢恩典
同心一起到祢跟前 全因祢是榮耀救主
全城跪拜 盼望齊興起 一起禱告祢

共聚這刻渴望尋見祢 心切切呼求我主
離開一生所有的惡行 一心單單跟我主
但願這家國只屬於祢 盼祢掌管全地
憐憫恩典充滿於這裡 再次賜下復興

齊心的呼叫阿爸父 在這裡願同遇見主
祢已看見 也定然聽見 祈求父祢恩典
同心一起到祢跟前 全因祢是榮耀救主
全城跪拜 盼望齊興起 一起禱告祢

We come together in unity
To seek Your face as we pray
We turn away from our sinful ways
We’re called to walk in Your ways
We are the people called by Your name
Give us Your heart as we pray
Send us revival, forgive our sins
Lord, let Your kingdom come

Oh Abba we cry out to You
Restore Your throne upon this land
Open Your eyes, and hear our cries
Forgive us Lord, we pray
All nations bow before Your throne
To lift Your name above all names
Come and reign, Almighty King
Meet us in this place

We come together in unity
To seek Your face as we pray
We turn away from our sinful ways
We’re called to walk in Your ways
Father this nation belongs to You
Pour out Your Spirit, we pray
Send us Your mercy and heal our land
Lord, let Your glory fall

Oh Abba we cry out to You
Restore Your throne upon this land
Open Your eyes, and hear our cries
Forgive us Lord, we pray
All nations bow before Your throne
To lift Your name above all names
Come and reign, Almighty King
Meet us in this place

Monday, September 8, 2008

Humble King - Brenton Brown

Oh kneel me down again, here at your feet
Show me how much you love humility
Oh Spirit be the star that leads me to
The humble heart of love I see in you

You are the God of the broken and friend of the weak
You wash the feet of the weary embrace the ones in need
I want to be like you, Jesus, to have this heart in me
You are the God of the humble
You are the humble King

Sunday, September 7, 2008

最痛的時候 Most Painful Moment - 天韻 Heavenly Melody

沒有咒詛的怨恨, 祂在最痛的時候,打開寬恕的門。


Saturday, September 6, 2008

No Other Name But Jesus - Patti Sandy

Above His name there is no other name.
The One who is eternally the same.
There is no other name.
The first and last, beginning and the end,
He was the King who made
The common man His friend.
There is no other name.
Let every tongue proclaim,
And sing the name of Jesus

Magnify and praise the name of Jesus,
No other name but Jesus.
There is power in the precious name of Jesus, Jesus.
Messiah, King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus.

He created all there is with His own hand.
And yet your smallest need he understands
There is no other name.
The one who said "I am the great I AM."
And then He gave Himself a sacrifice for man.

There is no other name.
Let every tongue proclaim,
And sing the name of Jesus.

Magnify and praise the name of Jesus,
No other name but Jesus
There is power in the precious name of Jesus, Jesus.
Forever He shall reign as King of kings.
He’s Lord of all and every living thing.
Yes from now on we’ll worship Him
And praise the name of Jesus.

Monday, September 1, 2008

一生愛祢 With All My Love - 讚美之泉 Stream of Praise


一生愛祢 一生敬拜祢
一生愛祢 一生榮耀祢
一生奉獻 一生不回頭
一生愛祢 跟隨祢

[English Version]

So precious, my Jesus
How sweet and pure is Your love
You have drawn me deeper in love with you
My joy is filled loving you

With all my love, I will worship You
With all my life, glorify Your name
I give my life, never turn away
I will love You all my days